Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chemo: Week 23

I voted to sit this one out.  John (Jake's twin) was elected to do the "Brother Bonding".  His counts are down again so it looks like another transfusion Thursday or Friday.

Zack surprised me and asked if I would go work with him.  He said he wanted some "mommy bonding time"!  I didn't have anything pressing on my schedule so mommy bonding it was!

I had an OMH moment tonight...Our family was invited to be a part of the Children with Cancer Christmas Foundation.  They have 2 nights of activities.  The first night (tonight), there was a nice dinner for the adults and you were given some tickets and a number.  When they called your number, you enter a room filled with gifts.  An elf (Bob) helped us select some gifts for the two younger boys, plus a few extra things.  Since Jake is going through his treatment right now, they made an exception and got special gifts for him and John!  Dave and I were so touched by their generosity...let's just say, we were both choked up about it.  I just couldn't believe that strangers would go to so much trouble for our boys...for Jake!  Many in the room and many of the volunteers either had cancer survivors or had lost children to cancer.  I had the hardest time socializing with the other parents because my heart couldn't handle all of their heartbreaking stories! 
Is that a bad thing? 
Maybe it will get easier when I can label him a cancer survivor.  Perhaps it's hard because it opens the "what if" door...that's just not therapeutic for me...not yet.

1 comment:

Jill Heaps said...

It is hard to hear all the stories, especially when they don't turn out the way we want them to. I had to step away from that stuff for awhile and just focus on our situation. You will be able to do it some day and your story will give them all HOPE!!!
I am so glad you had such a special night :)