Hey Momalywomaly,
Oh Never mind. Pres. said I have 3 options.(?) I guess I could go home August 17th, but I don't think I'll wait that long. I'm still uncertain when I'd like to go home. I would like to go to Philly to eat my last Cheese-steak. I'm kind of hoping to go to Camden. It's pretty much the only place I haven't served that is along the Delaware River. I'm not sure when I want to go home yet. I'm kind of torn.
That's great that we've got Cartoon Network! That and the 2 History channels. Those are the only 3 channels that we'll ever need!
I guess it only makes sense that the Carlson's move to the Carlson Heights. Their name is written all over it! They do have a pretty big house! What would you do with a house that big? there would be so much room you wouldn't know what to do with it.(Though I'm sure you could figure something out)
Whoa! John's going into massage therapy? That's totally Whack! Does he give good shoulder massages? I hope he can give me a few massages for free once he gets licensed.
So I guess you're on your way to Nevada right? And then onto San Diego. How's the drive? Are you there yet? Is Mike hungry? Does Spencer need to go to the bathroom? Are you having fun yet? Is Mike driving yet?(YIKES!)
My P-Day won't change unless I extend longer than July. I think if I were to extend my P-day would change to Thursday.? The Office Couple (The Taylors) will continue to be the office couple for the Philadelphia mission in July. They just got to the mission last fall so I think they'll stick around for a few more months. I guess if I extend at all a lot of things could change. I'm not sure what is going to happen with the AP's. They cover the whole stake (YSA branch) because they have unlimited miles. I don't think they'll have unlimited miles when the switcharoo hits. Philadelphia is getting a new mission president right when the switch happens. I think that the APs will be split. One will go to the Philly Mission and the other will go to the Morristown Mission. I'm pretty sure that most of the apartments will stay the same unless the new mission president decides otherwise.
I'm not sure if I'll be transferred this transfer. There's a possibility that either one of us could be transferred, either Elder Howard or I. I guess it depends on if Pres. thinks I can be a super big help next transfer. I've been with Elder Howard for 2 transfers so it's pretty much guaranteed that one of us is being transferred. Since I've been here longer, I'll probably get the boot. I forgot to ask Pres. if I was being transferred during interviews.
This week we were able to teach a family of investigators. The mom is like in her 30's. Her name is Misty and she has 3 kids. Ages 11-boy-nicholas 9-girl-kaylee 7-boy-zachary. The two youngest are extremely wild(they're pretty much spoiled rotten), but Nick seems to be the most normal in the family. The lesson went pretty well. We cleared up some concerns that Misty had about the Book of Mormon. She thought that it was another version of the Bible. She had met with missionaries before she moved to New Jersey 5 months ago. She said that she read the Book of Mormon 2 hours everyday personally and then some more with her children. She said that she couldn't find her copy of the Book of Mormon so we gave her a new one. We have a return appointment next week.
Well gotta go!
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