Hey Mom!
Thanks for the luck!
This week I spent most of my time at the office, working on the slide show. The slide show turned out better than it has in the past. I got it done pretty quickly and it looks pretty good. Sis. Taylor said that it might be the first time that the slide show has been done on time since they got here. We ate with the Sikahema's for the last time, but I forgot to get pictures. psych! Of course I got pictures with the Sikahema Family! But I don't have time to send them today. I'll send them next week. I got some pictures with some other families in the ward too. particularly, The Duns and the Clevelands. We taught Leslie again this week. I love going over there because both times we've taught her, they've been the best lessons of my mission. She asks questions, she takes notes, she wants homework. She REALLY wants to know. Most of the time we kind of have to push people along a little bit; Just nudge them onto the path. But with her, she does it on her own which makes it great for us because then she progresses so much easier.
So today I got transferred to Barnegat. It's down the shore. It's in the East Brunswick Stake. President told me that I would be here until either next transfer or until July. At that time I'll be back in the Cherry Hill Stake. From what I've seen (which isn't much) it looks pretty similar to everywhere else. Lots of trees everywhere. From what Sis. Rasmusson(sp?) told me it's more rural in this area. She is the kind member that gave us a ride home from transfers. She's pretty cool. She's from Utah and she and her family like pretty much the same things that we do. Shooting, riding quads, that kind of stuff. I felt that we connected pretty well. When I was looking at the map at my new apartment, I realized that she was right about the rurality of the area. There really isn't a whole lot compared to my previous areas. Possibly due to the fact that this area is a branch. It could also be that there are a lot of shore-houses in the area that are vacant until its warm. My companion is Elder Pena(pronounced pen-ya). He's cool. He's from the Philippines, but he has lived in California for a number of years. I came out with him. I haven't served around him much, so I don't know too much about him, but I'm learning as I go. Our apartment is nice. It's upstairs. It's got a washer and dryer(JACKPOT!) an couches and fridge and microwave and beds and a pretty big bathroom. It seems like a pretty nice apartment. It recently had bedbugs in it, so I'm a little bit leery about that. From what others have said, it seems that this area is kind of difficult. We don't have any investigators, so it's just tracting and potentials. Oh and I'm district leader now so you'll probably get something in the mail about that.
Good thing Aunt Joyce got back in time for the wedding. Bummer that she had to pay $600 to leave the car there.
So Grandma Holladay is living with you now huh? That's cool. So which room was Spencer's room?
It's cool with me that Spence is my roommate. I don't mind sharing a room with Spence, just as long as he helps me keep it clean.
I'm not sure how the 'going home' thing works. I haven't gone through the experience yet. From what I've seen in the office, I think you'll get an email or letter or something telling you what my flight is and all that stuff. I'll get what they call in the mission, 'trunky papers'. It's got my flight info and other stuff, I'm not sure what.
I'm back down to just one companion, even though I can be a handful.
Well it's time to go, so I'll peace out.
Love ya!